

Company Benefits Policy:

1. Holiday benefits: statutory holidays, marriage leave, paternity leave, maternity leave and other holidays      according to the relevant state laws and regulations.

2. Annual leave benefits: the first service year of the staff can enjoy a 7-year annual leave in proportion,      the second service year can be 9 days in proportion to the annual leave, the third service year can be 11      years of annual leave, and so on, the highest Can enjoy 15 days of annual leave.

3. Work system: the company implemented five days eight hours to work system, functional positions and front-      line staff usually overtime and weekend overtime by Xiamen City, according to the relevant laws and            regulations.

4. Five insurance a gold: the staff on the day of entry, that is, employees to pay five insurance; the company    every three months to assess the staff, the evaluation of outstanding leaders directly after the adoption of    the declaration, that is, by the level of staff to pay housing provident fund.

5. Service awards: employees in the company for a full year service, to give 30 yuan / month of service awards,    ten years cap.

6. Commute in the island: To facilitate the staff to work on the island, the company opened commuter vehicles      on the island, regular fixed-point shuttle staff.

7. Free meals: the day the attendance of the staff, the company provides free lunch; the same day overtime 3      hours, the company offers free dinner.
